Empty state view

Show empty states without using javascript

Empty state view

I need to display an empty state when my list is empty.

That should be easy, how do you plan on achieving that?

Thought about several methods:

  • Class toggling
  <ul className={list.length > 0 ? 'show' : 'hide'}>...</ul>
  <div className={list.length > 0 ? 'hide' : 'show'}>...empty content...</div>
  • Conditional rendering
list.length > 0 ?  <Somecomponent /> : <EmptyView />

Hmm, they do work, but I think there's a simpler way to get that done.

Really? how

So CSS has an :empty selector which matches elements with no children - (check here).

  <ul className='list'>
    {list.map(item => <li>{item}</li>)}
  <div className='empty-view'>
    <p>List is empty</p>


.empty-view {
   display: none;

.list:empty ~ .empty-view {
   display: block;



  • Works without JavaScript
  • Nothing has to change if you decide to use a framework


  • Empty element is always present in the DOM.

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